'Garbage Can' is a security file delete program. It requires Windows 3.x FILES ----- GARBAGE0.EXE -- Program file for Windows 3.0 GARBAGE1.EXE -- Program file for Windows 3.1 INFO.TXT ------ This file BWCC.DLL ------ Dynamic Link Library for GARBAGE1.EXE file GARBAGE.TXT --- Documentaion file INVOICE.TXT --- Invoice form FILE_ID.DIZ --- Info file for CD-ROM BWCC.DLL INFO ------------- The BWCC.DLL file helps make the fancy looking dialogs found in the Windows 3.1 version. It is a required file. It can be placed in the following directories. (1) The directory where GARBAGE1.EXE is located. (2) The WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. (3) A directory where your DOS PATH is set to. We suggest you place the BWCC.DLL file in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you look at that directory, you will find a large number of DLL files. If you are running Windows from Drive C:, most likely the path to that directory will be: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM The BWCC.DLL file can be used for a large number of programs developed for Windows. You may already have this file in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you do, compare the dates of the two BWCC.DLL files and make sure the newest version is in the directory.